Avatarland VRPark by Virbela - installation

How do I get to the virtual island?

STEP 1 - Installation
Download to your computer and install application? Virbela VRPark.
File for computers PC/Windows is available to download here.
File for computers Apple/Mac is available to download here.
After downloading the installation file, run it by double-clicking on the downloaded file icon and then following the on-screen instructions to install the application.
If you are prompted by a browser or antivirus program during installation, click "Trust/Run..."
Installation takes about 10-20 minutes, depending on the speed of your internet connection.
When starting the application for the first time agree to allow the application to access the microphone! If you don't do it, others on the island won't be able to hear you! hear you!
If you have an office PC with disabled administrative access, you may need help from your company's IT team to install and run the platform.
Here you will find configuration instructions for the network administrator:
AVATARLAND | Avatarland Firewall & Antivirus Whitelist
If you have received a login and password from us in the e-mail invitation, use them to log in and proceed to step 3.
If you have previously participated in any of the events on AVATARLAND, you can use the same login details to log in and continue using your previously created avatar.
And if you have never used the Virbela platform before, simply press the REGISTER.
Enter the following in the appropriate fields of the registration window:
- your e-mail address (Email field),
- your own password to log in to the platform (Password),
- names? (First Name),
- surname (Last Name),
- names? the name of the company or organisation (Organization).
Finally, accept the privacy policy and terms of use and press the "Register Now".

You can move around the virtual conference centre. You will move around the virtual conference centre. avatarA representative of yourself, who should look similar to you so that other participants can see you. The person should look similar to you so that the other participants can recognise you easily. The other participants should be able to recognise you easily.
When you start the platform for the first time, you will have the opportunity to define the appearance of your avatar.
Start with the first icon on the top left of the screen and choose your gender (male/female). In the next steps, you can change the rest of your avatar's appearance. the rest of your avatar's appearance.
Elements you can customise:
- headgear, hairstyle, eyes, glasses, face shape, blouse/shirt, jacket/jacket, trousers/dress, shoes.
Press arrow buttons under your avatar to change? Your choice. You can also customise the colour of each item in your wardrobe with the coloured buttons below.
In conclusion save your avatar by pressing the icon? GREEN DOORS at the bottom right of the screen.
The shortcut: Press the dice icon a few times to select and save a random avatar design. Make sure that your friends have a hard time recognising you by your appearance! They will have a hard time recognising you by your appearance! ?
Once you have saved your avatar, you will find yourself on a virtual island among other participants in the event. Can you move? Can you move? by using the arrow keys, can you talk? with others by pressing and holding down the "1" key.
You will be welcomed by VRPark's English-speaking staff who will help you take your first steps into the virtual world. If you don't speak English, don't worry! Wave hello by pressing the 'F1' key and you can explore the island on your own. Explore the island on your own.
Read the instructions for use or watch the accompanying short video on how to get started and use the platform.
We wish you an unforgettable experience on your first visit to the Virbel platform!

Contact us
If you have any questions concerning the installation, commissioning or use of the VirBELA platform, please send us a message using this form or call our contact number. This form or call our contact number:
technical hotline: 22 / 123 55 35
(Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm)